FAQ and support

Please find answers to the most commonly asked questions, quick contact form and contact number on this page, for more information or location please visit the link below.

Contact Us and Location

Beautiful and strong, the New lightweight tile by Supaslate

+44 (0) 161 302 9500

Give us a call If you need to ask us anything not covered on the site.


Email us If you have any enquiries then please use the form below.

Frequently asked questions

1How many Tiles do i need per Square metre?

Because of the profile and the way that our tile is manufactured, you would need just 21 Tiles per m Sq.

2What is the minimum pitch required for these tiles?

As with many others the minimum pitch is just 14 Degrees.

3What guarantee is supplied with the tiles?

Supaslate guarantee the tiles for 20 years.

4Are they fire rated?

Yes our tiles have an A rating for fire .

5Where can I purchase the tiles?

The tiles can currently be purchased from our sister company The Roofin Store (www.roofin.co.uk). They offer nationwide delivery and everyday low prices.


Send us a message

    Please allow up to 48 hours for us to respond to you, although we endeavour to reply to your query as soon as possible, we sometimes do get very busy and run out of office hours.